
Cheat Sheet: DAX

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1. Basic Aggregations

// Returns the sum of all values in a column. SUM(column_name)  // Returns the average of values in a column. AVERAGE(column_name)  // Returns the number of non-empty values in a column. COUNT(column_name)  // Returns the maximum value in a column. MAX(column_name)  // Returns the minimum value in a column. MIN(column_name)  // Safely divides two numbers, returns alternate result if denominator is 0. DIVIDE(numerator, denominator, alternate_result)

2. Iterator Functions 

// Calculates the sum of an expression evaluated for each row in a table. SUMX(table, expression)  // Calculates the average of an expression evaluated for each row in a table. AVERAGEX(table, expression)  // Returns the maximum value of an expression evaluated for each row in a table. MAXX(table, expression)  // Returns the minimum value of an expression evaluated for each row in a table. MINX(table, expression)  // Returns the count of non-blank results from evaluating an expression for each row. COUNTX(table, expression)

3. Logical Functions

// Returns one value if the condition is true, otherwise returns another value. IF(condition, true_result, false_result)  // Evaluates an expression and returns different results based on matching values. SWITCH(expression, value1, result1, value2, result2, ...)  // Returns TRUE if both conditions are true. AND(condition1, condition2)  // Returns TRUE if either condition is true. OR(condition1, condition2)  // Reverses the result of a logical condition (TRUE becomes FALSE, and vice versa). NOT(logic)  // Returns the value if there is no error; otherwise returns the specified alternate value. IFERROR(value, value_if_error)

4. Time Intelligence

// Shifts dates by the specified number of intervals (e.g., days, months). DATEADD(dates, number_of_intervals, interval)  // Returns dates between two given dates. DATESBETWEEN(dates, date1, date2)  // Calculates the year-to-date total for a given measure. TOTALYTD(SUM(column), date_column)  // Returns the dates from the beginning of the year to the current date. DATESYTD(date_column)  // Returns the set of dates in the same period of the previous year. SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR(date_column)

5. Date Functions

// Returns the current date. TODAY()  // Returns the current date and time. NOW()  // Returns the year from a date. YEAR(date)  // Returns the month from a date. MONTH(date)  // Returns the day of the month from a date. DAY(date)  // Returns a table with a single column of dates between start_date and end_date. CALENDAR(start_date, end_date)  // Creates a date value from the specified year, month, and day. DATE(year, month, day)  // Returns the difference between two dates in the specified interval (e.g., days, months). DATEDIFF(date1, date2, interval)  // Returns the day of the week for a date. WEEKDAY(date, return_type)  // Returns the week number for a date. WEEKNUM(date, return_type)

6. Mathematical Functions

// Rounds a number to the specified number of digits. ROUND(number, num_digits)  // Safely divides two numbers, returns alternate result if division by zero occurs. DIVIDE(numerator, denominator, alternateResult)  // Returns the remainder after dividing a number by a divisor. MOD(number, divisor)  // Returns the rank of a value in a table based on an expression. RANKX(table, expression, value, [order], [ties])  // Returns the kth percentile excluding the value k. PERCENTILE.EXC(column, k)  // Returns the kth percentile including the value k. PERCENTILE.INC(column, k)

7. Filtering and Context

// Returns a table filtered by a condition. FILTER(table, condition)  // Changes the context of the calculation by applying filters. CALCULATE(expression, filter1, filter2, ...)  // Ignores all filters applied to a table or column. ALL(table)  // Returns all rows, excluding any blank rows. ALLNOBLANKROW(table, column_name1, column_name2, ...)  // Ignores all filters except for the specified columns. ALLEXCEPT(table, column1, column2, ...)  // Removes all filters from the specified table or columns. REMOVEFILTERS(table, column_name1, column_name2, ...)

8. Text Functions

// Joins two text strings into one. CONCATENATE(text1, text2)  // Returns the starting position of a substring within a text string. FIND(find_text, within_text, start_num, not_found_value)  // Formats a value according to the specified format string. FORMAT(value, format)  // Returns the length of a text string. LEN(text)  // Converts a text string to lowercase. LOWER(text)  // Converts a text string to uppercase. UPPER(text)  // Removes extra spaces from text. TRIM(text)  // Returns the leftmost characters from a text string. LEFT(text, num_chars)  // Returns the rightmost characters from a text string. RIGHT(text, num_chars)  // Searches for a substring within a text string. SEARCH(find_text, within_text, start_num, not_found_value)  // Replaces occurrences of old_text with new_text. SUBSTITUTE(text, old_text, new_text, instance_num)  // Replaces part of a text string, based on position and length. REPLACE(old_text, start_position, num_chars, new_text)

9. Table Functions

// Groups a table by specified columns and returns aggregated results. SUMMARIZE(table, groupby_column1, "name1", expression1, ...)  // Returns a table that contains unique values from a column or set of columns. DISTINCT(table)  // Adds calculated columns to a table. ADDCOLUMNS(table, "new_column_name", expression)  // Returns a table with selected columns. SELECTCOLUMNS(table, name1, expression1, name2, expression2)  // Returns the Cartesian product of two tables. CROSSJOIN(table1, table2)  // Groups a table by specified columns and applies expressions to each group. GROUPBY(table, groupby_column_name, column_name, expression)  // Returns a table that contains the common rows from two tables. INTERSECT(left_table, right_table)  // Returns the natural inner join of two tables. NATURALINNERJOIN(left_table, right_table)  // Returns the natural left outer join of two tables. NATURALLEFTOUTERJOIN(left_table, right_table)  // Returns the rows from the first table that are not in the second table. EXCEPT(left_table, right_table)  // Returns the union of two tables (rows from both tables). UNION(table1, table2)


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