

Unsere Labs sind ausschließlich in English verfügbar.

von Draphony
von Draphony


Unsere Labs sind ausschließlich in English verfügbar.

Cheat Sheet: DAX

Click HERE to download A3 Poster1. Basic Aggregations2. Iterator Functions 3. Logical Functions4. Time Intelligence5. Date Functions6. Mathematical Functions7. Filtering and Context8. Text Functions9. Table Functions

Cheat Sheet: PySpark

Click HERE to download A3 Poster1. Basic Operations2. Selecting and Filtering Data3. Joining DataFrames4. Aggregations5. Window Functions6. Conditional Statements7. String Functions8. Number Functions9. Date & Time Functions10. Column Operations11. Write data12. Ending Spark

Cheat Sheet: SparkSQL to PySpark

Click HERE to download A3 Poster1. Basic OperationsSparkSQLPySpark2. AggregationsSparkSQLPySpark3. JoinsSparkSQLPySpark4. Handling NULLsSparkSQLPySpark5. String FunctionsSparkSQLPySpark6. Date FunctionsSparkSQLPySpark7. File OperationsSparkSQLPySpark

Entra ID: Understanding Enterprise Applications

In this article, we will use an SPA to call API from an App service that will authenticate the token from the SPA and return the data. Additionally, we will create a custom scope to test with our App service Step 1: Register a multitenant application (If you already have a multitenant app registered in…

Entra ID: Deep Dive into App Registration

Let’s take a hands-on approach and walk through the process of registering an app and setting everything up for our application in Microsoft EntraID to gain a better understanding of app registration.Step 1: Register an application on Microsoft Entra ID.Step 2: Pull our code into your environment to test the application authentication.Step 3: Authentication TestingSince…

Terraform as Infrastructure as Code solution for deploying on 2 Cloud services.

In the previous lab (See), we have learn how to deploy solely on Azure using ARM and later Bicep, which are powerful and stable tools. But they have one crucial disadvantage. ARM and Bicep only works for Azure. When dealing with large solution you may want to leverage multiple providers to get the most out…

Bicep and ARM as 2 Infrastructure as Code solutions for Azure Deployment

In this lab, we will use ARM template and Bicep as infrastructure as code solution to deploy, replicate and enforce our environment. After this lab, you will have a better understanding of Azure Deployment, infrastructure as code for Azure with native deployment tools. Enjoy!Throughout the lab, you are asked to open and use the CloudShell….

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